Monday, June 28, 2010

Digital rosary beads on new iPhone app

Published: 2:22PM GMT 08 March 2010

The Prayer Beads App has been launched in time for Easter and is permitted for �1.79 from the Apple store.

Inspired by await from Pope Benedict XVI, the digital rosary beads lay on a sensuous bed of velvet.

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The beads have been written by Premier Christian Media to interest to gadget-friendly Catholics and alternative Christians.

The firm"s selling executive Richard Smart pronounced the app was a new approach of praying.

He said: "Pope Benedict XVI is on vacation the UK after in the year.

"He has been enlivening immature Catholics to make use of amicable media to share the summary of Christ we wish to await that.

"In a way, you could contend that we done this App for The Pope."

Mr Smart added: "The Prayer Beads app is dictated for any one who meditates or prays. Using the App is a pleasing experience.

"The beads can be used to equate off prayers, to equate devotions or even only to fool around with to relax. It"s something to concentration on and enjoy."

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