Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New Hypersonic Rocket Test Launched in Australia


Australian and United Statesmilitary scientists exam launched a new hypersonic space station this week, the latestin a fibre of proof flights directed at building ultrafast supersonicaircraft.

The exam space station streaked by the ambience at speeds ofgreater than Mach 5.5, that is homogeneous to some-more than five times the speed ofsound.

The moody noted the second in a array of up to 10 plannedflights written to allege investigate on highspeedflights and hypersonic technology, pronounced Greg Combet, Australias Ministerfor Defense Personnel, Material and Science, in a Monday statement. An earliertest was achieved last May.

"Todays moody represents a poignant scientificmilestone, enabling scientists to pick up elemental interpretation vicious to thedesign and growth of an engine able of postulated hypersonic flight,"Combet said.

The flight, that launched from Australias Woomera TestRange, was piece of a corner U.SAustralian module called HypersonicInternational Flight Research Experimentation (HiFiRE). The module is directed atinvestigating the elemental scholarship of hypersonictechnology, as well as the intensity destiny applications for subsequent generationflight systems.

The investigate is being conducted as piece of a partnershipbetween the Defense Science and Technology Organization (DSTO) and the U.S. AirForce Research Laboratory (AFRL).

In 2006, AFRL officials sealed a $54 million understanding with Australia"sDefense Department to account the sixyear HiFire program. The plan alsoincludes appearance from NASA scientists, as well as U.S. industry and otherAustralianhypersonic scientists, AFRL officials have said.

The scientists are questioning the intensity of airvehicle and thrust technologies that could one day lead to sustainedhypersonic flight.

Advances in hypersonic record have huge implicationsfor both Australia and the world. Hypersonic moody has the intensity torevolutionize tellurian air travel, and could benefaction some-more costeffective ways ofaccessing and rising information exchnage satellites in space, researchers said.

"Thanks to the work of this dedicated group of DSTOscientists, Australia is at the forefront of this technology," Combet said.

Images X43A Scramjet Makes History in the SkyAirForce to Test New Hypersonic Aircraft Images X Planes, Part2, Part3


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