Sunday, September 19, 2010

Elections highlights of the day 03/05/2010

Augury of the day

Astrologer Russell Grant has left out on a limb; the planets are aligning on top of a Lib-Con coalition. Astrologically the destiny lies with Dave and Nick unequivocally interjection to their Jupiter in Leo they might not be as poles detached as they think. But for Gordon, he belongs to the past and Labour should right away begin meditative about whos next! For the Prime Minister, even on the large, routine round of gas that is the largest planet, there is no respite.

Passage of the day

But if Brown goes down, it will be fighting. Speaking in a south London church yesterday morning, he went biblical on his rivals. Loosely quoting Amos 5:23-24, the PM declared: Have finished with people who are only presenting images. Have finished with people who are only talking, or singing songs that dont meant anything. Have finished with the irrelevancies.... Let probity hurl similar to H2O and goodness similar to a strong stream. Who can equivocate comparisons with Ezekiel 25:17 and Samuel L Jackson.

Chicken product of the day

Motorway-related travails for John Prescott. Having been hold at the back of a truck with Blair emblazoned on the rear, the Prescott Express shortly after found itself hold up by a Land Rover with a series image holding an unwelcome chronological reminder: EGG 6X. A vicious yolk. [Exit theatre left...]

Armada of the day

In the years BC (Before Clegg) Eduardo Suarez was undergoing a miserable campaign. The London match for Spains El Mundo newspaper, he thought himself cursed to a long, waste month covering the forbidding and tedious PM. But Clegg, or some-more privately his wife, Miriam (born Valladolid), has been similar to a present from God, he says. Since her husbands rebellion began, Mrs Clegg has helped Eduardo sell a sackload of stories. Suarez declares, excitably: People dream that 500 years after the Armada we are eventually going to put a Spanish lady in No 10.

Prayer of the day

From Philippa Stroud, expected new Tory MP for Sutton and Cheam, indicted yesterday of praying for happy people to expostulate out their demons by request (The Observer). Ms Stroud replied: I have no reparation for being a committed Christian. However, it is definitely wrong that I hold homosexuality to be an illness. The thought that I am biased opposite happy people is fake and insulting. In alternative request news, factotums at Tory HQ have their hands tog-ether to ask the Almighty to check any some-more articles on Conservatives and gays until after polling day.

Random actuality of the day

All the election-winning PMs with degrees given 1935 went to Oxford. Churchill and Major didnt attend uni. (Hat-tip:


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