Saturday, September 19, 2009

De pe net Sci Fi

Never mind the (latest) world-threatening disaster to come from Oregon's favorite town of geniuses; last night's season finale of Eureka offered enough character (and heart) to make sure you'd miss it until it comes back next year.

Actually, never mind that "never mind" - the threat at the heart of "What Goes Around, Comes Around" was one that made sense, had a resolution that wasn't too out of nowhere (Although I'm not sure about the "The magnetic fields are knocking out all technology! Except for when it's not!" thing, but that's really just quibbling) and didn't distract from (in fact, grew out of) the one of the two real points of the episode - Zoe leaving the city, and the series, to go to Harvard (Of course, I was as upset as you were that Zoe didn't really explode in the swimming pool, as the trailer had teased, but Harvard is far enough away that I don't think I need to worry about her coming back anytime soon).

Is District 9 racist against Nigerians? The Nigerian government clearly believe so - They've stepped in to ask cinemas to stop screening the movie and are demanding an apology from Sony Pictures for the movie's "unwarranted attack" on the country.
We feel very bad about this because the film clearly denigrated Nigeria's image by portraying us as if we are cannibals, we are criminals... The name [of] our former president was clearly spelt out as the head of the criminal gang and our ladies shown like prostitutes sleeping with extra-terrestrial beings... I have also formally written to Sony Pictures Entertainment, the company that produced this film, demanding an unconditional apology for this unwarranted attack on Nigeria's image.

Have we just gotten our first glimpse of how the second season of Joss Whedon's Dollhouse is going to end already? One particular guest star has been talking about when they'll appear, which raises some interesting possibilities. Spoilers! Speculation! Go!

Talking to Entertainment Weekly's Michael Ausiello, Alan Tudyk confirmed that Alpha will be back for the end of Dollhouse's second season, saying,

We've kind of been back and forth about [how many episodes I'll appear in]. I've been a little busy... I think I'm going to be in the last few episodes, three or four episodes of the season... What is Echo without Alpha?

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